
Retreats + Workshops

Retreat from the challenges of life And connect to your soul

A spiritual retreat is a place and period of time that sparks and inspires inner reflection. Silencing the outer world and being held and supported by knowledgeable leaders, retreats give the participants the freedom to be themselves and to open up to their relationship to the Divine. Laurie’s retreat and workshop series are a break for the heart and the mind, and a recharge for the soul.

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Upcoming Retreats + Workshops

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The Sacred Soul

A Weekend of Spiritual Ceremony to Reconnect, Reflect & Renew: Nourish Your Soul on a Journey Within
ALIGN Spiritual Retreat

September 22nd-29th, 2025
A weeklong women's spiritual retreat in Portugal to awaken your intuition & connect to the wisdom of your soul.
The Samadhi Retreat

November 22-28, 2025 - Samadhi Sacred Valley, Peru
A weeklong women's spiritual retreat in the sacred valleys of Peru to heal, release what doesn't serve you and step into your power.
Align Spiritual Retreat

October 26- November 2, 2024 - SOLD OUT
A weeklong women's spiritual retreat in Portugal to awaken your intuition & connect to the wisdom of your soul.
The Soul Expansion Retreat

November 22-24, 2024 Lewiston, NY
A women's weekend retreat with Shawna Thibodeau and Laurie Oakes, to heal, connect to the wisdom of your soul and step onto your highest path.


Surrender Online Program

For spiritual & emotional well-being.

Dive into my signature course and discover the profound concept of surrendering to the Divine by examining your relationship between Mind (Ego), Body, and Soul. Includes 6 three-part modules with recordings, 4 PDF workbooks, 4 guided meditations, and more.

Silhouette of a woman dancing in the sunset, surrendering to the divine guidance of her creator.

1:1 Intuitive coaching

6 or 12 one-hour private GoogleMeet video mediumship readings with Laurie. Receive guidance entirely specific to you, your soul’s journey and path and clarity on the next steps to take. Experience freedom from past emotions that have been weighing you down & have 1:1 Access to Laurie for Specific questions between sessions.

Conscious Collective

The conscious collective is a monthly virtual soul circle. This is a powerful container where like-minded women can come together to practice skills like meditation, support each other, and step into cultivating greater happiness in their lives. Each month focuses on a new theme or spiritual teaching.

Frequently Asked Questions

Mediumship is the ability to connect with a higher power. We are all souls experiencing life in a physical body, here for the purpose of soul growth. This growth comes from learning lessons, which often present themselves as challenges or obstacles we need to overcome. Working with a medium can provide clarity about what you are experiencing in life and why. Laurie channels guidance to offer insight and direction, helping you determine the next steps to take to align with your highest path.

Intuitive coaching merges traditional coaching methods with intuitive and mediumship abilities to offer personalized guidance that blends logic and facts with insights into an individual’s soul path and purpose. By tapping into her intuitive abilities, Laurie provides tailored advice that addresses each client’s unique needs, helping them achieve their goals more efficiently and discover the path of least resistance.

No prior experience is necessary. Spiritual day retreats often cater to individuals with varying levels of experience. They are designed to be inclusive and welcoming to both beginners and those more experienced in meditation and spiritual concepts. The facilitators will usually provide guidance suitable for all attendees.

Spirituality is non-synonymous with religion. Laurie aims to help each participant foster their own individual relationship with spirituality, source, and the Divine. Her beliefs are what she resonates with, but encourages each individual to take what feels best to them.

Clients Experience

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Analyzing your outer world

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