
Mother’s Day Soul Circle

Afternoon Event May 11th, 2024

Mother's Day Soul Circle


Saturday, May 11th, 2024


10:30am-12:00pm (Please Arrive 15 Min In Advance)


Zen House Yoga Studio, Niagara Falls, ON


Join me for a very special, Mother’s Day Soul Circle.

Mother’s and daughters or sons, biological, chosen, or bound by unconditional love–all welcome to join us for this special afternoon event.

Together we will partake in a 45-minute, gentle yin yoga flow led by Amy Cadeau before partaking in a heart-opening cacao ceremony.

We will all share in a group channelling session facilitated by Laurie Oakes, where each participant will receive channeled messages and guidance specific to their current life’s challenges and soul journey.

Channelling sessions offer clarity, and peace, and often help to bring loved ones closer together if they are present at the time of these readings, as it helps you gain a deeper understanding of each other.

10% of the proceeds of this event will be donated to Gillian’s Place, and organization that helps protect women and children from domestic violence.

Investment: $65 / person

What to expect...


Why a mother's day soul circle

Laurie Oakes and her mother shared a deep spiritual bond. They frequently attended mediumship circles together, completed all three levels of their Reiki training side by side, and were members of the same meditation and mediumship group when Laurie first embarked on her journey of learning mediumship.

Their spiritual beliefs, centered around the eternity of the soul, the guidance of God in soul growth, and the enduring love between souls, carried them through numerous challenges, including her mother’s battles with MS and cancer.

Although Laurie’s mom passed away in June of 2021, their connection remains strong even in the absence of her physical presence.

She has personally witnessed how spirituality, mediumship, and channelled guidance can fortify the bond between a mother and her child. By gaining a deeper understanding of the lessons and growth their souls undergo through their relationship, one has the opportunity to shift perspectives, heal, and strengthen the bond.

Frequently Asked Questions

Dress comfortably, bring your yoga mat, a blanket or eye mask to help enter a deeper state of comfort and relaxation, and a journal to reflect and take notes on any messages provided through mediumship session.

And as always, bring an open mind, heart, and soul!

We encourage participants to dress comfortable (ie. yoga attire). Bring a sweater in case you cool down during meditation, savasana, etc. 

No prior experience is necessary. Spiritual worshops often cater to individuals with varying levels of experience. They are designed to be inclusive and welcoming to both beginners and those more experienced in meditation and spiritual concepts. The facilitators will usually provide guidance suitable for all attendees.

Spirituality is non-synonymous with religion. Laurie aims to help each participant foster their own individual relationship with spirituality, source, and the Divine. Her beliefs are what she resonates with, but encourages each individual to take what feels best to them.

About your Guide

Laurie Oakes

Her journey to find answers about spirituality and life outside of the physical body began at a young age. She found herself questioning her soul’s purpose, following her intuition, and receiving messages and “inner knowings” as young as she can remember.

Today, she shares her wisdom through various platforms, including workshops, retreats, and online courses. Her teachings empower individuals to awaken their spiritual potential, find inner peace, and live authentically.

Laurie gently guides her clients into letting go of the trauma and that which no longer serves them and empowers them with channelled guidance on their journey of personal growth and spiritual exploration.

She believes in the inherent divinity within each person and strives to help others discover their own inner truth and connection to their Creator.

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